Shirakami Fubuki (白上フブキ) is a female Japanese Virtual Youtuber associated with hololive, debuting as part of its first generation of VTubers alongside Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuiro Matsuri and Akai Haato. She is also part of a unit inside hololive called hololive Gamers (ホロライブゲーマーズ) alongside Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu and Inugami Korone. Fubuki debuted as a VTuber on June 1, 2018 as a member of the first official generation of VTubers at hololive, alongside Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuiro Matsuri, and Akai Haato. In December of that same year, it was announced that she would serve as the leader of hololive GAMERS, a special generation focusing on producing livestreamed Let's Play content, which would eventually consist of herself, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, and Inugami Korone. On November 5 2020, Fubuki celebrated reaching 1 million subscribers on YouTube, the third hololive talent to achieve this milestone. On October 25, 2022, she reached...