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Devin Gillis (Directing)



Devin is able to add a unique perspective to her work because as a second-generation immigrant to the United States with family all around the world, from a very young age she began traveling. She’s lived in South Africa, the U.S, Spain, and Canada. What she’s learned from these experiences has allowed her to gain an entirely new perspective on the world and her place in it since she was small. Her work in photography, which has spanned across her whole lifetime, has instilled huge importance on what’s in the shot, the colors, the lighting, and how that all aids in telling the grander story. She believes a good combination of experience, dialogue, and visual creativity can create something not only entertaining but memorable and impactful. As a result, her work has the perfect balance of depth and aesthetics. Devin studied Filmmaking Practices at Barrett the Honors College at...