Kyle Petruk was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and now lives in Toronto, Ontario. He graudated from Toronto Film School in the Film Television and Theatre diploma program. Kyle knew he wanted to become an actor when he was casted as the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz. He soon realized he could not sing, and since it was a musical he began practicing for hours. He enjoyed the dedication it took for a role and decided to pursue his dreams! In High School he co-wrote and directed his own One Act play Titled “Devilishly Handsome” as well as performing in the school play “Musuem”. At Toronto Film School, Kyle wrote, directed, and starred in his own short film Lower Your Expectations, alongside performing in the production of Twin Freaks directed by Jonathan Higgins. When Kyle is not acting he is watching films! In Janurary of 2021 he...