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Paul Walenkamp (Acting)



Paul is an award-winning Perth based actor of Northman heritage. Lead roles in the micro-budget feature film "Respire" (set in dystopian Western Australia; a father and daughter fight to survive "Mad Max" style), Jack Alwyn's "Letters" (set in 1915, a widowed lonely farmer, whose son is fighting at Gallipoli, battles to remain sane), and the troubled writer "Paul" in Jeremey Mullaly's "Dear Andy" (a writer struggles with inspiration and finds it through an unlikely person) are expressions of dedication, hard work and a steady career progression. Early 2023 brings another lead role for Paul in a micro-budget feature film in a soon to be announced production. A principle cast member, playing Lieutenant Longhorn, in the feature film Before Dawn (2021) confirms Paul's potential as a feature film actor. This is further confirmed by Paul being asked to audition for the lead role of "George White" in the US "block buster" feature...