Monica Patel was Born in Delhi, India, and hails from a Gujarati-speaking family. Her journey in the entertainment industry began at a young age, debuting in the Hindi film "Bharat India Hindustan" in 2000. She soon transitioned to television, starring in serials like "Kunti" and "Kumkum."Patel has showcased her versatility throughout her career by appearing in Hindi, Bhojpuri, English films, television shows, and plays. Notable works include "Excuse Me," "Time Pass," "1920 The Evil Return," "Wah Zindagi," and "Badhai Ho." Patel's love for theater has been a constant in her career. She spent over two decades on the stage, performing in various plays in Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Urdu. Her dedication to theater was evident in her role as a professional actress with the Delhi Art Theater repertory. Beyond her acting career, Patel has embarked on a spiritual journey. She is a Life Member of the Arts and Culture Wing of...