"In the realm of Ethiopian comedy, one name stands out as an emblem of laughter, friendship, and unwavering resilience: Dereje Haile. Over the course of his illustrious career,Dereje’s comedic brilliance has resonated throughout time, transcending mere entertainment to become a tapestry interwoven with friendship, loss, and enduring love. Alongside his dear friend Habte, Dereje has carved out a legacy that remains etched in the hearts of many. Seventeen years ago, the comedic world was plunged into darkness with the untimely passing of Habte. The news of his departure sent shockwaves through the industry, leaving Dereje and countless fans grappling with an overwhelming sense of grief. The tight-knit friendship, the laughter they conjured, and the profound togetherness that defined their partnership were shattered, leaving a void that seemed insurmountable. Despite the passage of time, the memory of Habte lives on. Each time he takes the stage, Dereje invokes the name of...