D.O.B: 1985-03-02
Screenwriter, editor, musician, and director. Graduated in Marketing Administration (UNIMESP) and post-graduated in Cinema and Audiovisual Language (ESTÁCIO-RJ). He has been working with audiovisual since 2005 and has worked in various production companies and television stations in Ceará. He studied screenwriting with Joaquim Assis (RJ), Orlando Senna (RJ), and Cláudio Nigro (Italy), documentary filmmaking with João Moreira Salles (RJ) and Breno Kupperman (SP), and documentary editing with Pedro Bronz (RJ). Since 2011, he has been a collaborator with the Documentary Center of TV Assembleia do Ceará, under the coordination of documentarian Angela Gurgel. As a screenwriter and editor, he has worked on documentaries that have been highlighted at national and international festivals such as "Boi Coração" and “Aldeia do Saber” (Village of Knowledge). He is currently the director of Sinfonia Filmes, where he directed and wrote the animations "Bambolim - A Diversão Sempre Vence" and "Smartphamily". He was the screenwriter...