A descendant of the legendary Gallo, Rugor Nass was born on Naboo in the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga. He quickly cut a figure above his contemporaries with his warrior's spirit and unwavering determination. A popular fable concerns his inborn leadership abilities even as early as a tadpole. He was the first to sprout legs in his collective pool, and also seemed to organize the other tadpoles and aided them in their development. While in school, he ventured out into the unknown depths and encountered a sando aqua monster, somehow he managed to survive.[1] Early career Gungan High Council Nass at the head of his Council. Nass took on many varied careers—from army sergeant, to engineer, to energy miner, and, eventually, the head of several small businesses. He became famous among his people by winning the Big Nasty Free-For-All, a grueling physical challenge in the annual Gungan Festival of Warriors, an unprecedented three years...