Globally renowned as a filmmaker whose unique vision and superlative talent is matched by her thirst for experimentation, Ruth Hogben’s work is as innovative in concept as it is in technical execution. Her pioneering work conjures up imaginary worlds and characters in the metaverse that seamlessly co-exist with those in real life. Combined with her bold artistic principles, Ruth’s focused aesthetic has placed her firmly at the forefront of film. Hogben’s strength of vision has led to some of the most ground-breaking collaborations in contemporary film and entertainment and her list of clientele speaks for itself. From internationally recognised artists including Lady Gaga, Prince and Kanye West through to creatively disruptive fashion designers such as Alexander McQueen, Matty Bovan and Gareth Pugh, Hogben surrounds herself with artists and collaborators whose passion and vision mirror her own. The award-winning work she created during her tenure as creative director with Lady Gaga...