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Hernán García (Art)



Bogotano, production designer and art director in various feature film, television, theater and advertising productions. He has participated in more than 30 national film productions, including “Pena Máxima” by Jorge Echeverry, “Te busco” by Ricardo Coral, “Mi abuelo, mi papá y yo” and “Las cartas del gordo” by Dago García and J. C. Vásquez, “Todos tus muertos” by Cárlos Moreno, “El paseo” and “Mi gente linda” by Harold Trompetero, “180 Segundos” by Alex Giraldo and “El paseo 4” by Juán Camilo Pinzón. In advertising he has more than 7 years of experience with different production and production companies such as Canal Caracol and Cigoto Creatividad and has advised in the area of art, heads of soap operas such as “La saga”, “El vuelo del cometa”, “Dora la celadora” and “Vuelo 1503” among many others, as well as advertising campaigns for series, soap operas and reality shows and channel launches such as the...