D.O.B: 1995-10-30
Mauri Hermundsson, known as Mustiga Mauri, is a Swedish YouTuber, journalist, and TV host, born on October 30, 1995, in Järna. His father is from Iceland, and his mother is from Germany. Though he added Mauri to his name at the age of seven, it is not his official first name in the population register. He started his career as a journalist at Expressen and Aftonbladet before launching his food-focused YouTube channel Uppdrag: Mat in 2018. The channel, run with photographer Filip Meneses and editor Hugo Johansson, quickly gained popularity. By October 2021, it had over 529,000 subscribers and 90 million views. His video featuring Bianca Ingrosso was one of Sweden’s most-watched in 2020, with 1.8 million views. In 2019, he was nominated for the Stora Journalistpriset in the Årets Förnyare category. Hermundsson’s influence grew, ranking eighth in Medieakademin’s Maktbarometern in 2021, with Uppdrag: Mat being the fourth-largest YouTube channel in Sweden...