D.O.B: 1950-07-21
Doctor by the University of Vigo with the thesis [cum laude] “Técnica do relato fílmico”. In 1975 he began working as a film critic for the newspaper La Voz de Galicia under the pseudonym Caurel, and as a producer, scriptwriter and director in Equipo Imaxe -recognized with the Mestre Mateo 2006 honorary award- of which he was a founding member. He was involved in the making of numerous short films, and is considered among the pioneers of Galician audiovisuals. In addition to prologues and chapters of collective works, such as Obradoiros de Cine Clásico and Xéneros cinematográficos? Aproximacións e reflexións, he has individually published the books O cine na revista Vida Gallega (1909-1938), O nacemento dunha cidade (A implantación do cine en Pontevedra), “Enrique Barreiro, cineasta e inventor" and ‘As catro estacioness do relato audiovisual’. He actively participates in numerous events, forums and entities defending the Galician audiovisual industry. He also participated in...