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Jesper Isaksen (Directing)



Jesper Isaksen is a talented director based in Copenhagen, Denmark. His first short NIMA (16 min.) a homemade low budget gangster tale from the streets of Copenhagen was shown at Danish National Television. Another short gangster tale NO EXIT (12. min) was selected semifinalist out of more than 15.000 short films in the global "YourFilmFestival" conducted by Ridley & Tony Scott and Michael Fassbender. The first prize was 500.000 USD. NO EXIT went on to participate in the biggest and most prestigious short film festival in Denmark "EKKO SHORTLIST" and went straight to the top 10 and stayed there for 11 consecutive weeks straight. The sequel, NO EXIT 2 - RISE AGAINST, also participated in "EKKO SHORTLIST" with a 1st place as the highest ranking. It went on to roam the top 10 in 13 consecutive weeks straight. NO EXIT 2 was later nominated in two categories "The Shortlist Award" and also...