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Nikolay Miklukho-Maklay image

Nikolay Miklukho-Maklay (Crew)


D.O.B: 1846-07-17

D.O.D: 1888-04-14

Born (July 5 [July 17] 1846, Yazykovo-Rozhdestvenskoe, Novgorodskaya guberniya, Russian Empire, died April 2 [April 14] 1888, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire) - Russian ethnographer, anthropologist, biologist and traveler studying the indigenous population of the South - East Asia, Australia and Oceania, including the Papuans of the northeastern coast of New Guinea, called the Maclay Coast. Educated in Germany. In 1864-1869, 1870-1882 and 1883-1886 he lived outside of Russia, never staying at home for more than a year. He is the author of about 160 scientific papers, mainly articles and notes, which during his lifetime were published most often in German and English. Also known as the defender of the indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia and Oceania, he actively opposed the slave trade. As a scientist, he consistently adhered to the principle of the unity of the human race; He rejected the popular theories that black races, including the Australian aborigines...