Born in Mexico City. In 2005, he produced the feature length documentary Toro Negro (Black Bull) which received several awards and premiered in festivals like San Sebastian, Toronto, Rotterdam, Havana, and Cannes, His first foray into fiction as a director came with the short film A Solas (Alone), which premiered at the Morelia International Film Festival in 2009. Soon after, in 2010, he wrote and directed Héroes de carne y Hueso (Heroes of Flesh and Bones), an 8-episode historic TV series for Clio TV, distinguished historian Enrique Krauze’s production company. In 2012, he presented Oro, el día que todo cambió (Gold), a documentary film that follows the story of the Mexican national soccer team, who won the olympic gold in 2012. This film became the most-watched sports documentary in Mexico, with 2.5 million views. In 2018, he premiered his directorial debut: Detrás de la Montaña (Beyond the Mountain) at the Shanghai International Film...