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Daniel Tirado (Acting)



Daniel Tirado is a New York based comedian, actor and writer, born and raised in Montreal. Upon graduating from McGill University with a BA in Literature and Religion, he moved to NYC to study acting at The Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre. Shortly after, Daniel ventured into stand-up where he quickly caught the attention of the comedy industry when he was invited to perform at the Montreal Just For Laughs, only six months into stand-up. Since then, he has been a regular at the festival, playing in various shows including Best of the Fest. In addition, Daniel has entertained audiences in French at Juste Pour Rire (the French division of Just For Laughs), making him one of a handful of comedians to perform at the festival in both languages. Also, Daniel was one of the Top Ten Finalists at the StandUp NBC showcase. Other festivals include the Laughing Skull...