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Jean-Paul Dupuis image

Jean-Paul Dupuis (Directing)



Filmmaker and composer since 1969, Jean-Paul Dupuis has directed more than 50 films—auteur films and documentary films—and composed music for the image and the stage. A different and experimental filmmaker, he has directed nearly 16 short and feature films. These include "Au-delà des ombres" in 1973, "Arlequin des rues" in 1974 (special mention of the jury at the film festival different from Toulon, "Lithophonie" in 1977 (Grand Prize ex-aequo at the festival of Hyènes). Directed short films with dancers/choreographers (François Verret, Alexander Witzman-Anaya, Peter Morin). Since 1985, he has been producing documentary films and is dedicated to producing films on visual artists and sculptors (Lartangage with Thierry Lefèvre-Grave, Jorge Carrasco). As a director, he co-directed with Claude Brunel several documentaries (Ecouen, La Renaissance en son château; Le Val d’Yerres; La ville de Crosne et d’Yerres; Naissance de l’orgue de Crosne). Composer for documentary series for TV channels: FR3, 5th and Voyage (the...