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Wolfgang Herrndorf (Writing)


D.O.B: 1965-06-12

D.O.D: 2013-08-26

Wolfgang Herrndorf (12 June 1965 – 26 August 2013) was a German author, painter, and illustrator. Herrndorf studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg. He began his career as illustrator and author – among others – for the fanzine Luke & Trooke, the publisher Haffmans Verlag and the satirical magazine Titanic. In 2002, his debut novel In Plüschgewittern was published by Zweitausendeins. Despite the protagonist’s age of approximately 30 years, Herrndorf describes the novel as youth novel. Critics described the novel as popular literature, a reworked version of In Plüschgewittern was republished by Rowohlt in 2008. A collection of interconnected short stories by Herrndorf was published by Eichborn Verlag under the title of Diesseits des Van-Allen-Gürtels in 2007; A fictional interview between Herrndorf and an untrustworthy Cosmonaut, which contained many elements from science-fiction, was released the same year, by SuKuLTuR-Verlag. Unreliable narrators are a recurring element in Herrndorf’s fiction, which...