D.O.B: 1926-10-02
D.O.D: 1983-09-02
From 1947 to 1983, he worked as a director at the "Kazakhfilm" studio, where he participated in the creation of feature films such as "Mother and Son" (1955), "If Only Each of Us..." (1961, both co-directed with S. K. Khodzhikov), "Winged Gift" (1956, co-directed with A. Slobodnik and E. I. Fayk), and "Botagoz" (1957, co-directed with E. E. Aron). He directed feature films on historical and revolutionary themes: "Troubling Morning" (1968), "Chase in the Steppe" (1979, awarded a silver medal at the VDNH of the USSR). He mainly adapted children's films: "They Call Me Kozha" (1963, co-directed with T. B. Duisybaev, diplomas at the competition of filmmakers of Central Asia and Kazakhstan in 1964, and at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1967), "Journey into Childhood" (1969), "My Brother" (1972), "Run, While It's Not Too Late" (1974, TV film), "Hey, Cowboys!" (1975), "Alpamys Goes to School" (1976, Grand Prix at the 10th...