Guido Quaroni began his career at Pixar Animation Studios in January 1997. He worked for two years in modeling, rigging and shading for "Toy Story 2," and then went on to work in effects for the film. Quaroni later became the sequence supervisor in the shots department for "Monsters, Inc." where he worked on hair and effects technology. From there, he continued to work with the Software Research and Development team, of which he was the leader for the asset/shading pipeline and later on lead of the Production Engineering team. In January 2007, Quaroni went on to work as supervising technical director for the Academy Award®-winning feature film "Toy Story 3." Quaroni was responsible for defining the various technologies used in the film, establishing the production pipeline, and managing the various technical teams. He also served as a Supervising Technical Director on "Monsters University." In May 2011, Quaroni was promoted to Vice...