Bob Darby served as a soldier in both the British Army and in the service of HM Sultan Qaboos the ruler of the Sultanate of Oman, where he spent 6 years as a contract officer. 'It was probably one of my better periods of military service, training an army of contract soldiers mainly Baluchi tribesmen from Pakistan'. With the support of British military personnel, the Omanis in the earlier 80's decided to build a modern army, to be superbly equipped from an almost limitless budget. 'On a recent return to Oman after almost 20 years it was good to see that in the main the Omanis and Baluch have maintained the standards and traditions we had taught them'. Operational experience included service in Northern Ireland and the Falklands. He was the Air Adjutant of 3 PARA during Op Corporate, the re–possession of the Islands from Argentine control and served with...