Shortly after his first audition, Devan landed the hero role of the L'il Chef on a "Dan-o-nino Yogurt" commercial. His engaging personality and natural ability won over the producers of the feature film "Jesus Henry Christ" shortly thereafter, and he was cast as the younger version of the lead character Henry James Herman. It was a natural transition for Devan to book the series regular role of Adam in the HBO Canada series "The Yard". The character Adam is a precocious and communicative kid, not unlike Devan himself. Devan has subsequently appeared in episodes of "The Next Star", "Really Me", "Flashpoint", "Odd Squad" and "Hannibal" and has recently worked on the feature "Group Home" in the principal role of Jason. When an opportunity to audition for voice work arose, Devan dove right in and booked the voice of Rubble on "Paw Patrol", and Frankie on "Ella the Elephant". He has...