D.O.B: 1956-01-17
D.O.D: 1993-01-29
Christos Vakalopoulos (Athens, 17 January 1956 - 29 January 1993) was a Greek writer, director and radio producer. He was born in Athens and was the son of Georgios Vakalopoulos, general director of IKA. He grew up in the Kypseli district, which he mentions extensively in his works, and completed his general studies at Leonteio Patision. In 1973 he was admitted to the Higher School of Economics and Commercial Sciences (ASOEE), while at the same time he wrote articles for the magazine Synkhronos Kinematografos and - after the fall of the junta - for the newspaper I Avgi. In 1980 he published his first book, A Best-Selling Case, and left for Paris for the next two years, where he studied film with his teacher Eric Rohmer. In 1982 he returned to Greece and collaborated for consecutive years with the political magazine Anti and the radio station of the Second Program of ERT....