George Kirby is an award-winning British filmmaker. Kirby directed his first feature film, ‘Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday, with Harry Kirby, released in 2022. In the past 10 years, The Kirby Brothers have written, directed, and produced over 15 short films, honing their craft as filmmakers as well as cultivating a respectable online presence and social media following. Working with little to no budgets and having to take on almost every key role of the filmmaking process themselves, including writing, directing, producing, cinematography, action design, editing, and VFX, has given both Harry and George a much greater understanding of the process than most directors usually have. George Kirby is also a professional working stunt performer/fight coordinator and, over the last ten years, has performed in some of the world’s biggest films and television shows, including ‘Star Wars, ‘Game of Thrones, and Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange, where he doubled for Benedict Cumberbatch. Both George and...