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Rikun Zhu (Directing)



Zhu Rikun is an independent film director and producer, and a film festival curator. He is the founder and artistica director for Fanhall Films and Fanhall Canter for Arts. Zhu Rikun was born in Guangdong province. He studied finance in Guanghua School of Management in Peking University from 1996 to 2000.In 2001 he founded Fanhall Films for film production, distribution and film festival organizing. He produced and distributed many important Chinese independent films that contributed a lot to the film art in China. Zhu Rikun established DOChina – Documentary Film Festival China in 2003, one of the earliest independent film festival in China,He is also the co-founder and program director of Beijing Independent Film Festival (since 2006 ). From 2005 to 2010 he is aslo the artistic director for LXT film fund. In 2007 he co-founded and joined Huangniutian Film Group.He has been the jury for Hong Kong International Film Festival...