Zeltia Montes is a Spanish Academy Award "Goya" winner for Best Original Score for the 2022 Oscar shortlisted movie The Good Boss, starring Javier Bardem, and a Goya nominated composer for Best Original Song for the 2016 Goya Best Documentary Delicate Balance. Zeltia composes music for film and TV with a passion for blending sampled sounds used in unique combinations with orchestral and electronic sounds. Her music been recognized by the Platino Awards for Iberoamerican Cinema, the Feroz Awards of the Spanish Press Association, the Spanish Cinema Writers Circle Awards, the Jerry Goldsmith Awards, the International Film Music Critics Association and the Hollywood Music in Media Awards among many others. Her recent credits include the musical movie Voy a Pasármelo Bien, starring Karla Souza, where she worked with the legendary rock band Hombres G, the thriller series The Gypsy Bride, directed by Paco Cabezas, whom she also collaborated with in...