Jenny Ash makes films with strong narratives. Her work is known for its authentic storytelling, emotional power, and visual punch. Some of the projects are micro, while others involve huge production teams. All are driven by a desire to tell complex true stories in a compelling and nuanced way. Ash's 2019 film '100 Vaginas' got rave reviews - 5 stars in the Telegraph, Guardian and Independent, big spreads in Grazia, the Daily Mail and The Sun who called it a groundbreaking documentary that should be shown in schools. 'Angry White and American' which she made with writer and journalist Gary Younge was Grierson nominated. His encounter with white Supremacist Richard Spencer went viral on social media with over 11 million hits before the film even aired. Other recent films include a WW1 drama documentary about the illicit love affair between Sigfried Sassoon and Wilfried Owen for ITV starring John Hurt and a series...