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Leonard Lipton

Far Out, Star Route






    64 min


    One summer, in a run-down mansion, friends of Lenny Lipton come to take in the sun, the woods, swimming and some drugs. A wedding is held in the fields. People talk and are happy. Dogs and children play. Nancy, a vegetarian, becomes alarmed when two fish are seen flapping helplessly in the kitchen sink. She rushes them back to the stream where they were caught-but cannot revive them . Lenny Lipton films it all - amidst controversy over whether his filming is getting people uptight and altering the "reality" of what is happening. Fortunately, he continues his journal and gives us a warm record of people enjoying themselves, the land, and the company of others . FAR OUT, STAR ROUTE is one of those rare films which shows that the beauty of life can be felt and shared through the full experience of that which is simplest and most human.

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