A renowned Mexican journalist and documentary filmmaker living in Los Angeles, after being named the recipient of a prestigious international award, is compelled to return to his native country, unaware that this simple trip will push him to an existential limit.
FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/bardo-spoiler-free-review-lff-2022
"Bardo works best when it focuses on the dynamics between father, mother, and children regarding immigration and how this drastic life change impacts each member of the family nucleus. Alejandro G. Iñárritu takes advantage of all the awe-inspiring technical elements to build a story worthy of the big screen but lacks tonal consistency and narrative control.
"Historical" recreations with q.b. Surrealism only makes the runtime feel heavier, and if it wasn't for Darius Khondji's superb cinematography along with exceptional set and sound design, this film would have been in trouble.
Fortunately, there's a lot more to be enjoyed than to feel frustrated."
Rating: B
" Only Mexicans can turn this disgraceful defeat, into mitic victory ".
A Brutal Masterpiece, A sensorial experience, watching Bardo is experience a brutal portrait of a estate of mind, is a trip around memories and dreams, in a better way to call it a recollection of memories and experiences.
Really worth checking out,