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30/30 Vision: Three Decades of Strand Releasing
Daniel RibeiroAndrew AhnKarim AïnouzFatih AkinGregg ArakiRoddy BogawaCatherine BreillatBrady CorbetJon MoritsuguAlain GomisBradley Rust GrayAlain GuiraudieLynn Hershman-LeesonChristophe HonoréConnor JessupJon JostIsaac JulienTom KalinSo Yong KimTommy O'HaverJenni OlsonRithy PanhJoão Pedro RodriguesIra SachsJames SchamusAbu Bakr ShawkyCindy ShermanElisabeth SubrinAthina Rachel TsangariRose TrocheLulu WangAnna Franquesa SolanoJohn WatersApichatpong WeerasethakulFenton BaileyRandy BarbatoBruce LaBruceAmy Davis

30/30 Vision: Three Decades of Strand Releasing

  • Comedy
  • Science Fiction
  • Drama

An omnibus presentation of 35 original films from master filmmakers all shot on iPhones






63 min


Over 30 filmmakers and friends of Strand Releasing have come together to honor the company’s indelible contribution to independent cinema over the past thirty years. The participating filmmakers have each created a short film for the project, all shot on iPhones.