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The Bigger The Better
Matt Sterling

The Bigger The Better






    68 min


    It was midterm, the weeks of study had been tough and now those on campus were restless and anxious for a walk on the wild side. Watching the male students, he sensed their need for relief and excitement. He walked quickly toward the men's room next to the gym. Inside he lowered his jeans and sat in the stall exposing his gigantic cock rising huge and thick with anticipation. Then they came in, one after the other...




    This movie was epic in its day and remains a four star movie in the realm of gay edge film. The last scene is the most riveting with a lineup of such stellar men spontaneously meeting in the college Men's room. These men include Brian Hawkes as the main player, also the likes of Billy Gant, Joe Craig, and Brad Mason. Excellent acting chops are displayed by Hawkes as his passion is palpable. Another very good actor is Joe Craig who when he enters into the already "activated" Men's Room, moves slowly and sensuously.