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Vampires vs. the Bronx
Oz Rodríguez

Vampires vs. the Bronx

  • Comedy
  • Horror

They messed with the wrong neighborhood!

Play Trailer





86 min


Three gutsy kids from a rapidly gentrifying Bronx neighborhood stumble upon a sinister plot to suck all the life from their beloved community.


Wiccaburr PFP



This movie dips into quite a few things from other movies: <I>Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Attack the Block, and The Monster Squad</I>.

The effects are pretty good as well as the humor in it. It was weird to see Method Man as a Father to a church though I must admit.

The film gives it that urban style to it for being a PG-13 movie. Some profanity is used but not heavily on the gore, which means it is okay for family viewing (or more so a horror for older kids and teens like Goosebumps). All that said, this movie won't hit a home run for many adults if they are not into the story.