Another pairing of director Robert Bradbury and his gunslinging buddy Bob Steele - this time the star is "Bob Bannister", the bit of a liability son of a wealthy mine owner who decides to investigate some shenanigans at their mine, where productivity has taken a recent dive and their other inspector "Kincaid" (John Cowell) has gone AWOL Well, it turns out that "Kincaid" has been fleecing them for a while and is all set to abscond to Mexico with the gorgeous Renee Borden ("Teresa"). This is a better showcase for Steele - he boxes, fences and has quite an entertaining scrap with "Apache Joe" (Barney Furey). Kit Guard and Lafe McKee are both good value too, and the story moves along quickly, if entirely predictably, for just over an hour. The action scenes are fun to watch, and there are plenty of them, too.