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Scott BeckBryan Woods


  • Horror
  • Thriller

Some monsters are real.

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93 min


On Halloween, a group of friends encounter an extreme haunted house that promises to feed on their darkest fears. The night turns deadly as they come to the horrifying realisation that some nightmares are real.


Repo Jack PFP

Repo Jack


Most "Haunted House" attraction movies are horrible. "Haunt" is the rare exception. The directors also wrote "The Quiet Place" and Eli Roth was involved. Regardless, this is a slick Halloween thriller.



Haunt starts out trying to be creepy with shots of haunted house staff members wearing clown masks. It does the usual clown thing, which is to stand there, silent and ominously. Not scary. Then at about the 57-minute mark, the movie goes bonkers with some brutal clawhammer and sledgehammer violence, shotguns, nails through definitely changes its tone.

The six friends that enter the haunted house do the usual stupid things that are needed to make a slasher film work, but they're not entirely unlikable characters. Harper is the one that the viewer is supposed to empathize with, and for the most part, she's easy to pull for. Her abusive boyfriend exits and later reenters the movie, only to get clobbered by baddies, presumably because the viewer is just supposed to hate him. It just adds another person to the body count.

This was a timely watch because it's Halloween season and this is setup as a Halloween flick. It's not horrible, it's just not scary and is a run-of-the-mill Horror movie.