Horror anthologies will always be my jam. This anthology is pretty good. Journeying through some holidays of bloody results like Holidays (2016) with each segment happening in one house.
This anthology isn't going to be a winner to some people but it was an amusing watch between head cake and candy cane tits...you read that correctly.
Here comes the segments:
(X) - favorite segments
Murder Death Killer (X) - Taking shots at horror fans. Also don't talk shit about a person's eyebrows, you might get stabbed for that.
Trick or Treat - Killer on the loose and you lose either way.
A Killer House - "As well an eventual end". Well that's a red flag. Also, holy crap this banter between the realtor and the couple is something.
Feeding Time (X) - Sometimes a kid has special needs and you have to find ways to fulfill those needs.
Blood Bath (X) - Sometimes it is best to check the bathroom before using it...and taking your medicine.
Fear, For Sinners Here - One caroler didn't get the message of moving on, she really should've. A merry bloody Christmas indeed. Clever twist in the end.
The Deathday Party (X) - killing people never gets old.
Murder Death Killer was the cold open while A Killer House became the wraparound for most of the other stories.