Notorious gangster, Pat Tate, rises through the ranks of Essex's criminal underworld. A prequel to the 'Rise of the Footsoldier' franchise.
99 min
Notorious gangster, Pat Tate, rises through the ranks of Essex's criminal underworld. A prequel to the 'Rise of the Footsoldier' franchise.
Weakest of the first three.
<em>'Rise of the Footsoldier 3'</em> doesn't work. It's one that is all about Pat Tate and fills in the blanks of that character's history. In my opinion, it's flat throughout. There's a few decent scenes, but they are too far apart to have any effect. This plot would've been better as a short story, or as part of an anthology film. There's not enough there for a full blown film.
Craig Fairbrass is OK in the lead role, not good or bad. I do appreciate the returns of the likes of Terry Stone and Roland Manookian, while the addition of Jamie Foreman is alright. There's a few interesting minor appearances, including from Larry Lamb, Shaun Ryder and Paddy Doherty.
However, all in all, I found myself bored pretty much from beginning to end. It's a slow 99 minutes.