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Brett DeJagerJohn William HoltHunter JohnsonRocky GrayZane HershbergerJustin M. Seaman


  • Horror
Play Trailer





80 min


A Halloween treat bag of all the things that go bump in the night. From masked killers to scarecrows, witches and tricksters. There’s a scare for everyone in this anthology of horror and the macabre from the creators of ‘The Barn’ and ‘Volumes of Blood'.


Wiccaburr PFP



Halloween anthologies will always be right up my alley. This one is low budget and entertaining with these stories hitting you quickly. But just bloody enough to leave you wanting more. The segments are:

(X) - favorite segments

  1. The Old Hag (X)- Loved the old hag look and the setup of the house.

  2. Trespassers - Interesting story and twist in the end.

  3. Killing The Dance (x) - Serving that 80's vibes with roller skates and a couple surprise twists.

  4. The Halloween Blizzard of '91 - Is this a crossover episode?

  5. The Samhain Slasher - Halloween party and seance while a slasher is loose, what could go wrong?

Wraparound: This was pretty clever as it gives a nod to the times of Elvira and late night monster marathons.

Overall, this was a fun watch for five stories. This can be a fun Halloween tradition to watch with other Halloween themed movies and anthologies.