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The Truman Show
Peter Weir

The Truman Show

  • Comedy
  • Drama

On the air. Unaware.

Play Trailer





103 min


Every second of every day, from the moment he was born, for the last thirty years, Truman Burbank has been the unwitting star of the longest running, most popular documentary-soap opera in history. The picture-perfect town of Seahaven that he calls home is actually a gigantic soundstage. Truman's friends and family - everyone he meets, in fact - are actors. He lives every moment under the unblinking gaze of thousands of hidden TV cameras.


Evan Zuqenshi


"The Truman Show" dares to question the reality. It's original, complex, and philosophical. It manages to make you feel truly frustrated and claustrophobic.

Perhaps many of us can relate to Truman as we live in a time of routines. We often live our lives without giving a second thought to the simplicity and meaninglessness of life itself. Our limited perspectives keep us from seeing. The lies we are told keep us from the truth. If we could push the boundaries of our reality, what are the odds that we'd face what Truman faced in the end?

It was a joy to watch "Jim Carrey" as "Truman", it is yet another proof that Jim isn't just a comedian.



Truman...One of my favourite films. It's just hilarious. The whole concept that this man thinks he is living in the real world.

Very well done to the Director and Writers!



On the surface, The Truman Show is about a man who has lived his life trapped inside of a bubble. He tries the entire movie to pop the bubble, and he eventually does.

Under that layer, though, is a complex theme. Does Truman really enjoy his cell? He seemed to for years. At the same time, he struggled with memories, but don't we all?

As the viewer, we're left to determine the morality of the happiness of millions versus the freedom of one. We're also left to consider whether Truman's cage was better than his freedom. A child born into a system that doesn't have a great track record or a life of relative safety with no knowledge of the cage.

The viewer also has to determine the sturdy nature of reality. What is reality besides our perception of it? What's real to Jim or to Bob? Are the things that are real to them real to me if I've never seen or heard about them?

Beyond the philosophical questions the movie poses, the film itself is solid. Jim Carrey pulls off the part wonderfully. He's more than just a comedian, although he can bring the humor the instant the scene needs it. The supporting cast fell right in line.

The pacing may be a little slow early on for many viewers, but that is remedied once the action begins to pick up.

If you want something light and silly, go watch something else by Carrey.



In a world experimenting with big brother reality shows and questioning what is real in a mtrix kind of way, The Truman Show is a splendid and well executed movie about a man owned by a corporation from birth, who lives on the set while not being aware of the fact that everything around him is fake. Brilliant Jim Carey.




Such a well executed plot. So much fun to watch.

Jim Carrey, an actor I always enjoying watching, is terrific in the lead as Truman - he kills every moment, very much the perfect person to play this role. Laura Linney (Hannah), Ed Harris (Christof) and Noah Emmerich (Louis) are the best of the rest, while Paul Giamatti (Simeon) even appears.

<em>'The Truman Show'</em> is one of those films that I've heard a great deal about down the years so I'm happy to have finally got around to seeing it. It's excellent. It's well paced and just a really entertaining and thoughtful premise to watch unfold. Brilliant film.




Seen this one numerous times, including in the theater, and still holds up so well, and is engrossing from beginning to end. It was the first time seeing how versatile Jim Carrey was. Just a great all around movie. 4.5/5

James PFP



How the heck did they make so much money off advertisements?!