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Wai Ka-FaiFruit ChanTsui HarkBrian TseAlan Mak Siu-FaiJohnnie ToJoe Ma Wai-HoStephen Chow Sing-ChiTeddy Chan Tak-SumAdam WongAlex Law Kai-YuiDante Lam Chiu-YinMabel Cheung Yuen-TingPeter Ho-Sun ChanAndrew Lau Wai-KeungGordon Chan

1:99 Shorts

  • Comedy
  • Drama





72 min


Shorts made by 11 directors in order to fight against the SARS epidemy that occurred in China and Hong Kong in 2003. The shorts were produced by the Information Service Departement of the Government of HK SAR. The aim was to bring back confidence to the HK popuation. The running-time is 1 to 2 minutes for each short.12 Short films: 1-"Rhapsody", director: Johnny To and Wai Ka-fai; 2-"My Sow Is Not Feeling Well", director: Fruit Chan; 3-"Smile", director: Teddy Chen; 4-"Of a Cause" (Animation) director: Tsui Hark; 5-"Hong Kong - A Winner", director: Stephen Chow; 6-"Who's Miss Hong Kong?", director: Joe Ma; 7-"Family of Heroes", director: Alex Law and Mabel Cheung; 8-"Until Then", director: Gordon Chan and Dante Lam; 9- "McDull 1:99" director: Brian Tse; 10-"Spring, 2003", director: Peter Chan; 11-"A Glorious Future", director: Andrew Lau and Alan Mak; 12-"Making of 1:99", director: Wong Shou-Ping.