Pennu Case is a Malayalam comedy-drama film directed by Febin Sidharth, featuring Nikhila Vimal in the lead role. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Kannur, the story unfolds with a humorous and intriguing narrative, hinted at by its title poster depicting a bride and groom being chased by a group of men. The screenplay, co-written by Febin Sidharth and Reshmi Radhakrishnan, explores unique and engaging themes with additional contributions from Jyothish M, Sunu V, and Ganesh Malayath. Produced under the banners of E4 Experiments and London Talkies by Mukesh R Mehta, Rajesh Krishna, and CV Sarathi, the film’s technical crew includes Shinoz as the cinematographer and Sarin Ramakrishnan as the editor. With its compelling storyline and talented cast, Pennu Case promises to be a delightful cinematic experience.