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To Hold My Love
Elettra GiuntaAdam Othman

To Hold My Love

  • Drama

To Hold My Love is a short film merging dance, fashion, and spoken words.





10 min


To Hold My Love is a short film merging dance, fashion, and spoken words. Through their bodies and their language, the five dancers pull the viewers into their worlds where they explore themes related to women's vulnerabilities, identity, body image, and sensuality. A portrait of complex emotional journeys experienced through the profound strength of sisterhood. The film features fashion pieces from Lynn La Young’s collection and is set to an original music score composed by Saber Rider. To Hold My Love is a screen adaptation of a stage show choreographed by Elettra Giunta for Resolution Festival at The Place Theatre. It was brought to the screen with the help of director Adam Othman and cinematographer Will Hazell.

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