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Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure
Nick Marck

Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure

  • Comedy

Eddie's ready for the holidays. But are the holidays ready for Eddie?

Play Trailer





83 min


Though Eddie's fired right at Christmastime, his boss sends him and his family on a South Pacific vacation, hoping Eddie won't sue him after being bitten by a lab monkey. When the Tuttle family winds up trapped on a tropical island, however, Eddie manages to provide for everyone and prove himself a real man.





<em>'Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie’s Island Adventure'</em>... terrible movie, straight up. It only lasts for 82 minutes, but boy is it a rather painful 82 minutes. It was, of course, to be expected, everything about this screams awful and it unfortunately doesn't let you down.

I am someone who didn't enjoy Randy Quaid as Eddie Johnson in the previous flicks, so given he goes from supporting cast to lead actor I was probably always going to dislike this. I'm always open-minded pre-watch though and have been proven wrong before, but not on this occasion.

Elsewhere on the cast, Dana Barron - the original Audrey from the 1983 film - makes a surprise reappearance as Audrey. I only realised after watching that aforementioned film that she was in 2013's <em>'Snow Bride'</em>, a personal favourite Xmas flick; in this I can see Doria in her.

Ed Asner, Fred Willard and Eric Idle - the only true glimmer of light in the very disappointing <em>'National Lampoon's European Vacation'</em> - also feature in this 2003 made-for-television movie. It isn't one I'd call for you to watch, it is this franchise's worst by some distance.